what would you dare whisper to the wind

The wind blew hard all day

Incessant undulating waves of mad moving manic air

Hissing and whooshing and crackling

Flipping over the patio furniture during frequent uncontrolled delinquent rages

Angry bands of heavy almost horizontal rain crashed in without warning

Soaking the ground with vigor

Flooding the roads with fast flowing miniature rivers

When the rain stopped the wind dried everything in minutes

During the day the sound of heavy city traffic competed with the wind

As the evening arrived the wind noise rose above all 

By nightfall it was a deafening torrent

In the dead of night it was an explosive roaring menace

The building stood from as the howling wind screamed by

Windows rattled and shook in disbelief

Trees rustled and braced themselves against the invisible force

Innocent chairs outside were cruelly slammed into the fence

All this mischief went on throughout the long night

It was hard to sleep under siege

Having no control

Surrendering to the unstoppable power of the wind

As the full moon looked down in silent disapproval

By morning the noise had dropped to a steady blow

It was time to step outside and survey the damage

Cleaning up after natures drunken tantrums 

I whispered I forgive you into the wind

rainy day in Miami

rainy day

in Miami

watched football

Liverpool won

You’ll Never

Walk Alone

gloomy weather

spirits dampened

street empty 

bay boat-less

watching raindrops

trees happy

weeds growing

playing music

heavy metal

place rocking

indoor sports

cleaning condo

servicing bike

writing poetry

resisting beer

drinking tea

eating cookies

dieting suspended

texting friends

making plans

dreaming big 

rainy day

in Miami


In the silvered shroud of the heavens above

A symphony of tears begins to weep

Unveiling a realm of melancholic love

As raindrops softly upon the ear do seep

Each droplet a messenger of sorrow’s grace

Falls gently upon the earth’s thirsty skin

Embracing each blade of grass with tender trace

Within the weary arms of nature’s kin

Oh rainy day your presence draws me near

A muse that dances with my troubled soul

In your gentle touch a sense of solace clear

As emotions cascade the heart feels whole

With each rhythmic beat of a raindrop’s fall

A cleansing purge of struggles we release

Renewal whispers through the storm’s dark sprawl

Creating a realm where inner peace finds peace

The droplets like brushstrokespaint a tale untold

Washing away the dust of life’s cruel strife

In their descent a symphony we behold

As nature laments joy and sadness strive

Tornado tequila

Driving home

Last night

Heavy rain

Frequent lightening

From west

Approaching storm

Arrive home

All good

Phone alert

Tornado warning

Take cover

Lower level

Interior room

Wind roars

Torrential rain

House shakes

Check radar

Storm close

Thunder explosions

Frighteningly close

Texts flying

Neighbors concerned

Welfare checking

All good

Waiting praying

Long wait

Storm rages

More rain

Frequent thunder

Slowly subsides

Warning expires

Check outside

Distant lightening

No damage

Huge relief

Mother Nature

So powerful

Grab tequila

Pour shots

Survival toasts

Heat wave

Heat is a source of warmth

Essential to sustain life

A wave is a friendly gesture

A universal social greeting

When you combine them

They are no longer friendly

Nor are they essential

A heat wave is unbearable

Its a natural disaster 

A long period of very high temperatures

Combined with high humidity

Can cause dehydration and heat stroke

We are in one now

The heat index is 102F (39C)

Too hot and too humid to be outside

Unless you can chill in a pool

Thunder is an explosion of lightening

At a distance it can be a rumble

Close by a crackling ear shattering roar

A storm is a violent atmospheric disturbance

Usually with strong winds and heavy rain

We await an approaching storm

To chill the blistering hot air

And soak the scorched earth

Its only when in a heat wave

That you wish for a welcome thunderstorm

Bring it on

the cloud

I woke up inside a cloud

Decided to shout out loud

Get me out of here now

I must escape but how

Nobody came to rescue me

Like a sailor forever lost at sea

This cloud is infinitely large

Nobody seems to be in charge

It just came here in the night

Gifting me this awful plight

Its dark and damp so dreary

Its making me feel bleary

One thing I just cannot abide

Knowing the sun is shining outside

Dark clouds matter

Photo by Josh Sorenson on Pexels.com

Oh dark clouds creeping in

You are such party spoilers

I was having fun with the white fluffy clouds

They gave me some welcome shade from the hot Miami sun

Whilst leaving me plenty of nice blue sky to look at

I could play outside all day with white fluffy clouds above me

Now I must run inside quickly

Take shelter from the impending rain shower

Which you indiscriminately scatter below you

As you slowly drift by looking for more victims

I wonder if you were born fluffy white

Then got fat collecting so much water vapor and became darker

After dumping all your rain will you get paler

Maybe you were born dark and doomed to rain on parades forever

You probably chase down fluffy white clouds and eat them up

Cannibalistic party spoiling sinister dark clouds

I bet you have no friends at all

Other than farmers

Maybe flowers, plants, lawns and trees, 

Also reservoirs, and water companies

Plus hydroelectric power plants

Not forgetting streams, rivers, lakes, fish and rain dancers

Come to think of it you are really quite popular

Black clouds matter

Forgotten homeless people and Chinese balloons

Its been four months since hurricane Ian slammed into Florida

I remember so well the TV images of widespread devastation

Coastal homes smashed and whole communities wiped out

Its hard to imagine exactly what that is like

Unless you actually see it in person

We took a road trip to a barrier island on the Gulf coast this week

Meeting up with old friends at a familiar place near Fort Myers

We have been coming here annually for a decade

This time was different because the effects of hurricane Ian are still widely visible

Virtually every structure on the island has roof damage

Some have already been repaired

Others have blue tarps on them awaiting repair

Bayside docks ripped up and mangled

The shrimp boats were all destroyed

Some buildings are being demolished

Temporary cell phone towers are in place

As the fixed tower collapsed and landed on the bakery

The island is normally at full capacity with visitors right now

But its probably at twenty percent due to rental homes not being habitable

Our favorite beach front restaurant was totally destroyed

Just a concrete pad covered in sand there now

Construction crew trucks line almost every road

There are enough workers here to form a small army

This quiet sleepy place is just one big reconstruction zone

Nail guns hammer away and chain saws are buzzing all day

Fallen trees being turned to mulch

Debris being hauled away in big dumpsters

The locals say it was much worse a few months ago

With debris piled high along every street

They said all the vegetation was ripped off the trees

Palm trees left standing as naked stalks

The locals were fearing massive inundation from Gulf storm surge

Until the eye veered slightly south to spare them that fate

They believe they got lucky to have mostly wind damage

It seems bizarre to view such massive destruction as good fortune

Nature has already been busy with its own recovery operation

New palm leaves sprouting everywhere

Banyan trees are now covered in leaves again

A year from now everything should be back to normal here

Mostly because these are expensive waterfront properties

Well insured and well heeled owners committed to rebuild

Its a different story a few miles inland

A mobile home park with trailers reduced to matchsticks

A few trailers still have some walls remaining

They are enveloped in tarps like shanty down dwellings

Sadly the park owner has just filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy

Returning the rent checks from the few owners desperate to stay

Most of them were probably not insured

Having sunk their life savings into a mobile home

Planning to spend their retirement near the coast

Probably living hand to mouth on social security

No doubt some of them are homeless now

When that land is sold, those who remain will be forced to leave

Despite the fact that hurricanes seem to be getting worse

People are flocking to relocate in Florida

At a rate of more than 1000 per day

The hurricane chasing weathermen will return in a few months

Plotting tracks during the next hurricane season

Predicting where the eye will fall

Then flying over the debris left by the departed monster

I wonder how many of the 1000 people relocating today

Will be homeless a year from now

The TV crews chasing hurricane Ian are long gone

Homeless people from 2022 hurricane damage is old news now

Chinese balloons in the sky fill your TV screens today

These balloons are relocating to the US at a rate of around three per week

The Chinese claim they are just weather balloons

Nobody believes them and we now know why they fly overhead

They are spying on the entire American continent

Gathering vast amounts of data

Trying to figure out the answer to the big question

Why is it that so many Americans want to live in flood zones and hurricane paths?

The US government is determined not to reveal the answer

So they keep this secret safe by shooting down the balloons on live TV

The Chinese are undeterred and are now designing the next generation of spy ballons

Flying in huge spinning squadrons during the summer months

They will be disguised as Atlantic hurricanes

Fallen green warriors rescued

In the dead of night

An angry wind blew strong

Rushing around the building

His constant roar

Warning of his strength

Perpetuated by occasional short whistles

Signaling his mischievous intent

His deeds went unseen under the cloak of darkness

As the dawn approached he drew a breath

The eerie calm contradicted the visible damage

Tree branches severed and thrown to the ground

Outdoor furniture haphazardly rearranged

Loose objects torn from their homes

Carried to distant hiding places

The losses of their saddened owners

Become the surprise gifts to their finders

Plant pots unceremoniously toppled over

Like the fallen statues of historical figures

Who stood unmolested for decades

Until it was suddenly time for them to experience

The gale force winds of political correctness

The plants just lay there helpless

Soil scattered on the ground

As blood spilled in battle

These green wounded warriors

Silently waiting for an intervention

From their green-fingered owners

Soon to be upright with fresh soil and water

A few comforting words

Restoring their courage to bloom in floral beauty

Their flowers are free from discrimination

Producing a fine display

In any political climate

We have a lot to learn from them


Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

I am really quite fond of the clouds but today they are in an angry mood, rushing along with great purpose not pausing to smile.  Maybe they don’t like being bowled along by the wind and much prefer to bask in a gentle breeze. Come to think of it, I would rather float in a warm pool than be swept away by a raging torrent.

I suspect the clouds are now hundreds of miles away catching their breath and chatting about their crazy roller coaster adventure rides. They swap horror stories about the poor clouds that got ripped apart in the high winds. The rich clouds pay for gentle winds to blow them to shelter away from the dangerously high winds. The poor clouds cannot afford protection and throw themselves to the mercy of the elements. 

The Buddhist clouds are practicing reincarnation, depositing their moisture as rain which will one day evaporate into new baby clouds with voracious appetites for vapor. The baby clouds grow into huge fat fluffy clouds. They hang out in groups chatting, drinking telling stories, and having fun. 

Suddenly the hells angel’s dark clouds roar into town pushing the other clouds around. Soon the sky is full of hells angels clouds getting drunk and looking for trouble. Just for kicks, they fire up their Harley Davidson Thunder machines and blast people below. They shoot their lightning ray guns down aiming to destroy anything on the ground in mischief. The sheriff clouds race in and disperse the hells angels pushing them back far away. 

Clear blue skies invite the fluffy clouds to come and float in safety. The first cloud pops up as a scout and puts a safety message on the fluffy clouds’ FaceBook page. Social cloud media soon fills the sky with trendy upwardly mobile high income childless clouds. They snort cocaine and float over cool Caribbean islands.  They live meaningless lives and add no value to the planet.

Meanwhile across the globe millions of worker clouds get up early every day and receive their work orders. “Go float over there and give those folks some welcome shade.”  “Now get in formation to create a spectacular sunrise.”  They work long days for little rewards, and the older ones go to nursing home clouds to be ignored and neglected. The angel of death cloud hangs over them.

I have lived most of these cloud lives, right now I am a Sheriff Cloud bringing law and order but someday I will be floating in a nursing home cloud dreaming about the days when I played hide and seek with the other kid clouds.