the crash

Photo by ArtHouse Studio on

He sat on his motorcycle

Firing up the engine with a roar

He set off at great speed

Wind pummeling his face

Scenery flashed by in a blur

The road became twisty

Throwing the bike side to side

He could see a tight turn up ahead

But made no effort to slow down

Leaning hard into the turn

The bike could not make it

He slid off the road 

Running into a ditch

Violently ejected from the bike

Flying through the air

He saw it all in slow motion

Hitting the ground hard

Limbs flailing like a rag doll

Finally everything stopped

He was looking up at the sky

Intense pain gripped his entire body

Then he blacked out

Waking up in a hospital bed

Covered in bandages

Wires and tubes keeping him alive

A nurse spoke to him

Her voice was calming

He tried to answer back

But his voice did not work

Words were stuck in his brain

She could see he wanted to talk

Asking him to blink three times

He did as she asked

She asked lots more questions

He blinked once for yes and twice for no

She gathered a lot of data from him

Then she set up a computer screen in front of him

With a special camera looking at his eye

She taught him how look at a letter on the screen

Then blink twice to select it

Soon he was typing sentences with his eyes

It was exhausting for him

He only managed a few minutes that day

Longer every day after that

He started to write a journal

Documenting his paralysis

Then he wrote a few poems 

Some short stories we next

The book took four years to write

It was a best seller

He chose the title carefully

How to speak and write with your eyes