
I never really understood urban art

Odd shaped statues in plazas

Huge abstract paintings on walls

Strange structures in streets

I never spent much time figuring it out

That all changed today

After a guided tour of the Miami design district

The guide was an artist

Taking us to six areas in the district

Explaining what the artist was trying to convey

Showing what the shapes and textures represented

Many of the pieces were functional

Providing seating or shade

I was fascinated by whole collection

I started to see things in a new way

Appreciating the use of trees and plants

In a symbiotic relationship with the man made structures

Fascinated by the shapes and textures

I was in awe of the vision of each artist

Taking an idea or a concept

And creating a physical form to portray it

I wonder how many people just walk by

Giving a fleeting glance these structures

Not stopping or taking the time to absorb them

Exactly like I had before today

An extra dimension just opened up for me

My eyes have been opened

My mind is more curious

Architecture with an artistic twist

Art with architectural flair


is this art

Pure abstract art

Random paint splatter

No recognizable shapes

Meaningless to some

Beautiful to others

Everybody interprets different

Some see calm

Others see anger

I see vibrance

She sees faces

Real artistic impressions

Doubters see nothing

Great conversation starter

Two camps form

Those totally for

Rest non believers

Nobody on fence

Either love it

Or hate it

Either its art

Or spilled paint

If in doubt

Take a risk

Look at it

With open mind

Let it speak

To your soul

My litmus test

Made me think

Therefore its art

Unwanted food baby

Chubby man sighs

Numerous failed diets

Unused exercise gadgets

Cancelled gym subscriptions

Unwatched exercise videos

Expensive magic pills

Avoiding bathroom scales

No mirror glancing 

He gave in

Buying bigger clothes

Elasticated waistband pants

Loose baggy shirts

Belly camouflage tactics

Feeling confident enough

To venture out

Hardly ever walking

Preferring to drive

Bar stool jockey

Drinking endless beers

Munching snack food

Growing food baby

Always appeared jolly

But sad inside

Frustrated thin man

Imprisoned in fat

Desperate to escape

Cries for help

Nobody is listening

lifestyle truly unsustainable

Severe chest pains

Dreaded heart attack

Lights and sirens

Wires and tubes

Cute thin nurses

Ridiculously young doctors

Long slow recovery

Lucky to survive

Stopped eating junk

Empty bar stool

Walking again slowly

Vegetables taste good

Buys a bike

Pedals away pounds

Steps on scales

Reunited with mirror

Clothes too loose

Food baby gone

Thin man smiles

Jewels of the sea

She searched the beach for sea glass

Small pieces of old glass

Man made articles transformed by nature

Jewels of the sea

Tossed and rolled by the waves

Rubbed by rocks and sands for decades

Holding the jewels in her palm

She wondered who held the original glass article

Did they toss it into the waves with a wish

What kind of life did they lead back then

Perhaps they still walk this beach today

She spotted a glass bottle

Rolling in the surf

Alas no message inside

Sea creatures clinging on for a ride

She thought of picking it up

Cleaning up this beach trash 

Then decided to leave it be

For some future sea glass gatherer

She closed her eyes and made a wish

Vowing to come back in 20 years

To find her own jewels of the sea

Solving the poetic equation of LIFE

I have always liked music

Literature plays a big role in my life

I am very fond of art

I always believed these were three completely different things

Each having its own unique place in the world

Something happened recently to change that

Upon noticing my music streaming App had a lyrics button

I started to read the lyrics while listening to the music

I discovered a new dimension

The singer was delivering a message with both words and notes

Allowing me to understand his feelings

I now listen to music in a different way

Searching for the feelings of the songwriter and composer


I have been watching lectures on the history of European art

All virtual thanks to the pandemic

So enlightening that art has been continually developing for centuries

Movements emerged as new artists experimented

Finding new ways to express their feelings

I now look at paintings in a different way

Searching for the feeling that the artist wanted to convey 


Poetry warms my soul and make me feel different about life

The process of converting creative thinking into poetry is pure joy for me

I started to wonder if painters and songwriters felt the same way


Then it hit me

Literature, art and music all have a common thread

They are all forms of poetry that convey feelings


Literature gives us poetry in words

Music is poetry with sounds 

Art is poetry with light

My Engineering background lit up the old gray matter

It can all be explained with mathematics


Words = Poetry

Sounds = Poetry

Light = Poetry

Words + Sounds = Songs

Words + Light = Theatre

Sounds + Lights = Fireworks

Words + Sounds + Light = Life

Words + Sounds + Light + Wine  = Happy Life

Words + Sounds + Light + Wine + Chocolate = Very Happy Life

Bravo if you are now reaching for the wine bottle and chocolates while listening to your favorite music

The sculptor

The sculptor picked out a large log

People gathered to watch him work

He sat the log up vertical on a stand

Clamping it then walking around staring at it intensely

He picked up a chainsaw

It was soon buzzing loudly

Wood chips started to fly

Rough shapes appeared under the bark

He stood back and studied the wood some more

The crowd started guessing what the final shape would be

He picked out a large chisel and a hammer

Slicing slivers from every part of the rough raw timber

Pausing occasionally to examine the wood

Running his hands over the surface with closed eyes

Then taking a smaller chisel to work more

The pile of wood chips on the floor grew bigger

Somebody in the crowd shouted out

I can see two people emerging

Locked in a loving embrace

The sculptor was unmoved and stone faced

He worked with smaller chisels 

Revealing every detail of their arms hands and fingers

Two faces appeared locked together in a kiss

More cutting and sanding revealed their smooth skin

He stood back to admire the finished work

The lifelike figures were perfect from every angle

He asked the crowd what feelings they had now

Love-peace-serenity-togetherness were shouted out

Somebody asked him to explain his technique

Transforming a rough sawn log into a beautiful statue

He rubbed his chin while considering the question

They were always inside that log he said – all I do is cut away the excess