pain + c = panic……. panic + dem = pandemic

pandemic panic

panic buying

masked panic

panic lockdown

panic curfew

panic pandemic

panic social distancing 

somebody coughed panic

viral infection panic

scrubbing hands panic

panic sneeze

panic testing

panic waiting

panic panic

panic panic

result negative

stopped panicking

started living again

took long walks

smiled at masked strangers

from behind my mask

wore my mask in a bank

just for fun

decided not to rob it

rode my bike a lot

stopped buying clothes

bought a new bike instead

had endless PJ days

learned to cook again

organized every closet

fixed everything broken

binged on Netflix shows

took YouTube trips around the globe

met up with family and friends on Zoom

cocktails every evening

stopped dieting

explored new wines daily

had romantic dinners with the wife

fell in love again and again and again

took the panic out of the pandemic

enjoyed dem days


covid here 

covid there

wear a mask


wash your hands

for twenty seconds

if you do not

then covid beckons

get the vaccine

both shot one and shot two

best get the booster

it will help you and others too

stay indoors

watch the news

no more travel

cancel that cruise

stay super safe and on high alert

if you let your guard down

you might get hurt

coronavirus is here to stay

waiting to infect you

on any random day

live your life freely

but be aware

we are all living

in a virus lair

the longer this goes

the more surprises it throws

variants emerge

headlines splurge

travel bans proclaimed

bat eaters blamed

its just a minuscule virus

desperate to get inside us

to perform its reproductive cycle

now that really takes the Michael

a viral orgy inside your body

open warfare with your antibody

once its had its wicked way

you might live a virus free day

unless it kills you