scrambled eggs and scrambled words

I decide to cook scrambled eggs for breakfast today

Eating on the balcony while watching the world go by

Like any city, Miami is full of life and activity

Always some thing new to discover

I notice a small group gathered across the street

Maybe a dozen folks setting up cameras and reflectors

Somebody appears to be in charge

Giving direction to the others

Although most of them seem to be standing about drinking coffee

A lady in a green dress makes multiple strolls by the corner

As cameras click away from various angles

No logos on trucks means this is not a news crew

A low budget film or documentary perhaps

The whole event only lasts fifteen minutes

Gear rapidly packed into an unmarked white van

Perhaps they are moving to another part of the city

To shoot the next scenes of this mystery production

I close my eyes to focus on the sounds of the city

Trying to dissect the components of the broken silence

Intermittent drilling of construction noise as metal hammers concrete

The steady rumble of traffic from cars rolling along the street

Rubber on road combined the roar of engines

The electric vehicles emit hardly any sound at all

Whilst the throaty V8’s on shiny sports cars yell out “look at me

Occasional motorcyclists make the most noise

Blipping their engines to warn others of their presence

The traffic noise comes in waves with periodic lulls

There is however one constant background sound

Birds singing from the trees below

A never ending chatter of tweets and shrieks

I open my eyes to look for the birds

Mostly invisible on their perches they are seldom to be seen

Except when a large flock of parakeets takes to the wing

Flying between buildings with shrieks with laughter

They fly by me close enough to make eye contact

I wonder what they are all laughing about

Do they find the film crew on the corner to be hilarious

Perhaps they are poking fun at all the humans in their habitat

Laughing at the silly bugger on the balcony eating scrambled eggs and writing scrambled words

From Racing Mini Coopers to being a MiamIan

Back in the 80’s I lived a different life

I lived in England and was totally engrossed in motorsports

Owning a Mini Cooper racing car 

Spending countless hours maintaining it

All for the thrills of driving a few fast and furious minutes on the track

My favorite TV show from the 80’s was Miami Vice

Undercover cops driving Ferraris and chasing drug dealers

A wild crazy city full of gun toting criminal gangs

I had no ambitions of visiting Miami back then

Fast forward forty years and here I am living in Miami

Waking up to spectacular views over Biscayne bay

Riding my bike most days over the Rickenbacker causeway

Taking in the dramatic views of the Miami skyline

Visiting international art exhibitions like Art Basel

Miami today is thriving with culture

Live music and great food are steps away

Ferraris regularly roar along the streets 

Perhaps one day I will see Crockett and Tubbs driving by

The people here are so friendly and welcoming

A great place to live if you love being outdoors

Pinching myself every day to verify its not a dream

Ian is in Miami

You can take Ian out of Miami

But you cannot take Miami out of Ian

Ian is now a MiamIan