Contrary observations

the Andy Warhol teapot cozy

keeps tea famously hot for 15 minutes

then it goes cold

becomes unknown

the chocolate fire guard

will only protect your child

if there is no fire

light a fire and eat the fireguard

on cold nights

plug in the electric blanket

after a murderous day

plug in the electric chair

fall into a deep sleep

don’t forget to climb out of it

only catch your breath

if it escaped your custody

running an errand

is difficult while driving a car

hold on to that idea 

it might run away from you

don’t feel alone and miserable

they wont return your caresses

lift up your spirits

to your lips then drink

if something is on fire

you can put it out

did you put the cat out 

because it was on fire

if you can right

a sunken ship

can you wrong

a floating vessel

if you can be alone and afraid

at the same time

can you be yourself and someone else


If somebody affronts you

Just get your own back

If insults are being thrown

Don’t catch them

If you get a roasting

Try to stay cool

If you get into hot water

Don’t burn your bridges

If you live in a glass house

Get undressed in the dark

When somebody keeps you in the dark

How can you shed light on that