Forever changing

forrest foliage

bare winter

long sleep

energy conserved

fallen leaves

slowly rotting

discarded branches

mycelium food

spring arrives

milder temperatures

longer days

waking trees

buds appear

new growth

Summer time

full foliage

flowers blossom

complete canopy

fruits appear

animals consume

happy forrest

summer over

cooler nights

shorter days

growth stops

leaves turn

vibrant colors

fall splender

forever changing

Autumn in England

autumn has arrived in East Sussex

its cool and cloudy most days

it rains frequently

summer is over

a cup of tea with breakfast

looking out over the garden

fruit cropping is finished

summer vegetables all harvested

grass cutting is suspended until spring

leaves are starting to change color

days are getting shorter

it will soon be halloween

pumpkins are ready for carving

cosy evenings by an open fire

drinking warm English beer

telling tales on dark nights

making plans for the future

the seasons roll on


Photo by Alissa Nabiullina on

the cold wind blows from the north

its icy tentacles seek out your exposed flesh

your face numbed so hard you can’t smile

you stopped smiling when winter arrived

brown withered lifeless foliage surrounds you 

where once colorful flowers bathed your eyes

naked trees sway in the howling wind

withered leaves cling to their branches 

their lives are over and soon they will fall to be absorbed by the soil

today’s raging brown river was once a gentle summer stream

you watch the angry boiling muddy water rushing down to the bay

no boats dare wrestle with those white capped waves 

the watermen all stay at home by roaring fires telling fisherman’s tales 

summer is now a distant memory

we will all suffer many cold dark days before she creeps back

seasons make us appreciate the weather we don’t have on that day

do you really like winter

flames in the fireplace may give you heat

but you can’t get a tan from laying by a fire

sitting by a pool in summer is so delightful 

you dare not sit by a pool cover dusted with snow

please come back soon summer

will you promise never to complain about summer’s long hot lazy days

the ultimate snowbird

Photo by Gokul Purushothaman on

summer has peaked

mornings are crisp

heavy dew lingers

waiting to be burned off

but the sun is hungover

from intense summer partying

he sleeps in longer now

rising late from the ocean with a weary yawn

creeping further south each day

making a smaller arc across the sky

depositing less daily energy on these lands

than he did the day before

he is the ultimate snowbird

heading south for the winter

in a few short months

we shall follow him 

madam palindrome

temperature drops

fun stops

leaves falling

winter calling

wind howling

walkers scowling

fingers numb

cold bum

reaching home

madam palindrome

fireplace burning

stomach churning

warming hands

making plans

cocktail making

stirring shaking

old fashioned

wickedly impassioned 

cutting cheese

bees knees

garlic crackers

appetite highjackers

fireside drinking

wistful thinking

friends departed

feeling downhearted 

watching flames

recalling names

memory lane

grieving pain

doorbell ring

voices sing

friends arrive

feeling alive

laughter abounds

sweet sounds

drinks flowing

happiness growing

stopped forsaking

memories making

Time marches on

the clocks go back

nights get cooler

days are not so warm

beautiful sunsets are the norm

time marches on

nights are longer

stars seem brighter

cool breezes at sunrise

the air is crisp and clear

time marches on

grass stops growing

leaves turn red and gold

morning frost will soon be here

winter creeps in

time marches on

endless summer days are over

no more flip flops

get your warm clothes ready

prepare for biting cold winds

time marches on

seasons roll through

summer will return next year

be patient

embrace the changes

time marches on

celebrate the seasons

do not chase after time

do not try to get ahead of it

ride with the march of time

time marches on

step into the rhythm of the march

enjoy the changes in real time

no looking backwards

time marches on


I never really liked Tuesdays.

Too far from the end of the week.

It often rains on a Tuesday, well probably no more than any other day but Tuesday rain is more annoying for some reason.

You need plenty of motivation to fight off those Monday morning blues but by the time Tuesday comes that motivation has worn off.

There are no great sporting events on Tuesdays so there is nothing exciting about TV on a Tuesday.

Things never seem to get done on a Tuesday. Work deadlines are mostly by the end of the week or first thing Monday morning.

Tuesday is not very romantic. How many lovers declare they met on a romantic Tuesday? No great novel starts by describing a glorious Tuesday.

Tuesday dinner at home is usually the worst of the week. You forgot that you finished all those tasty weekend leftovers on Monday and you are too tired to go grocery shopping. Tuesday cuisine is usually canned food or that frozen meal you would never eat by choice.

The best time on a Tuesday is 11.59pm because its almost over and the next Tuesday is a whole week away.


June arrived
flaming June
flowers blossom
green grass
bees buzz
butterflies flit
summer solstice
friends gather
blue skies
summertime fun
lazy days
poolside parties
floating cocktails
cold beer
beach days
long walks
bike rides
farm stands
fresh produce
alfresco dining
grill parties
blue crabs
convertible cruising
bar hopping
live music
dirty dancing
boat rides
sunset cruises
floating parties
jazz music
chilled wine
hors douvres
warm evenings
fire pit
hot tub
night caps
star gazing
welcome June