Cars and people

Photo by Arnie Watkins on

in the case of men……..

Photo by jay pizzle on

their cars are not just for transportation

they are symbols reflecting their personality

exhibitionists might drive a pimped out Cadillac 

those seeking eternal youth go for sports cars

the older and fatter they become, the more exotic the sports car

spotty youths with little cash trick out their cheap Hondas

gentlemen of means will drive a high end Mercedes

a Rolls Royce is mandatary for demonstrating super high net worth

hippy guys who don’t care will drive a worn out VW Beetle 

married men who have given up trying will sit behind the wheel of a Minivan

young upwardly mobile professional men always drive a BMW

cowboys and contractors can be seen in beat up pickup trucks

Environmental junkies will be behind the wheel of a hybrid or electric car

its totally different in the case of women….

Photo by Jacob Morch on

they are far less likely to pick a car for status reasons

its more of a means of transport to get from A to B

while serving as a mobile salon for applying makeup on the move

they will have snack bars and water bottles galore

a storage area for clothing to be returned to the mall

door pockets overflowing with hand lotions and tissues

17 pairs of sunglasses are in the glovebox

at least 14 pairs of shoes can be found in the trunk

the most petite married ladies often drive the largest SUV’s

probably because they need a lot of room for the kids and groceries

when asked what they like most about their car they might answer “its blue”

now if you ask a car about which gender they prefer as drivers….

men drive us too fast and put too much strain on our parts

men are more likely to damage us in an accident

women cause us mostly superficial damage in low speed scrapes

women are usually more cautious drivers and gentle on us

women will take us to get fixed if something is wrong

men will ignore problems until they get really bad

then they will try and fix us themselves and make us much worse

men like to tinker and customize us

women say if we not broken then don’t fix us