push yourself and pull those you love along with you

push yourself

seize opportunities

push yourself

embrace the uncertainty

push yourself

accept the inevitable transient wave of fear

push yourself

acknowledge wrong turns and start over

push yourself

remove objects blocking your path

push yourself

reach your goals

push yourself

bathe in the glory of your achievements

push yourself

avoid long lasting regrets

push yourself

set new goals and keep learning new things

push yourself

collect many beautiful memories

push yourself

and pull those you love along with you

Goal Recipe

Serves:  You and those you love

Ingredients: dreams, passion, plans, enthusiasm, courage, conviction, self belief

start with a dream

a really big bold dream

stir in a heap of passion to convert your dream into a well defined goal

next make the plans to forge the path towards your goal

stay enthusiastic and work diligently towards your goal

do not wander off the path when the going gets tough

if things do not work out

hit the reset button with courage and conviction

above all maintain your self belief

once achieved

serve with pride