Solitude and the loneliness coat

sometimes solitude is a curse

those times when you are truly alone

when you are in need of human company

desperate to interact with others

aching for a friendly hug

primed for lively conversation

but nobody there to talk with you

loneliness drapes over you

like a heavy wet coat

it weighs you down and keeps you damp and dreary

you desperately want to take it off

but your fingers cannot undo the buttons

it clings to you

mocks you

its so hard to escape from that loneliness coat

some poor folks wear it all the time

sometimes solitude is a blessing

when people around you are not helping 

and you feel a bit wound up

you need to withdraw to a quiet place

let your emotions calm down

be alone with just your thoughts

have a one on one with yourself

think things through

meditate a while

focus on the white light

live through every breath

rediscover that inner peace

solitude is indeed a blessing sometimes

unless it forces you to wear that loneliness coat

Making new memories

Sadness clung to her like an indelible stain

She could not shake it off

Mourning the loss of her husband

After a long loving marriage

Sleeping was a real nightmare

Waking up was worse

The empty pillow stared at her in mute silence

Her thoughts grew weary from lack of sharing

Mornings were particularly hard

Setting the breakfast table for two

Then realizing he will never again be at the table

Friends did call on her for support

Their kindness was lost inside the chasm occupying her heart

Morning walks were lonely affairs

Her hand instinctively reaching out

To that empty space on her left side

Shopping was a painful activity

While searching the shelves for essentials

Some items literally screamed at her

Things she used to buy for him

She found it very hard to cook for one

After decades of portioning for two

Dinner was so lacking in conversation

She started talking out loud

Answering her own questions

Mimicking his views and expressions

This daily routine seemed endless

Suddenly it all changed

Her husband came to her in a dream one night

Telling her to replace the sadness in her heart

With the memories of their happy adventures

She started to smile again

Every waking moment became a joy to behold

She found the key to release her captive loneliness

She became a social queen

Hosting lively dinner parties

Holding court at the table

Proudly sharing her old memories whilst making new ones

Time flies when you are having fun but slows down when you are sad

Instagram followers hide your lack of real friends

Texts with thumbs up and Facebook likes

Give the impression you are always happy

Saving you from actually speaking

Lest your voice becomes an unwitting informer

Dark sunglasses hide your sad eyes

You only take them off in the dark

A fake smile masks your depression

Your face aches from forcing it all day

Blacked out windows in your Cadillac

Prevent the world from seeing the real you inside

Your trophy wife paraded in public

She plays the part well when seen

Becoming cold as ice when alone with you

She talks to her friends all day

Never makes eye contact with you

You chose a childless relationship

Too risky having anybody that close to you

Expensive home and flashy toys

A thick wallet full of credit cards

Combine to hide your mounting debts

Long hours and grinding out results

Disguise your real dissatisfaction with your job

You stopped talking to your parents long ago

Tired of them asking what is wrong with you

You hang out with the boys every week

Mostly to be seen doing guy things

Watching sports and talking trash

Downing beers for an alcoholic buzz

Your sad thoughts briefly anesthetized

Laughing outwardly at all the stupid jokes

While crying uncontrollably inside

You wished it was all a bad dream

But its there every time you wake up

You pray for the day when it will all change

You wait for guidance of a new direction

You hope for the strength to adjust

You are constantly looking for the signal


Depression consumes you

Eats away at your soul

There is no escaping it

Sleeping is no cure

Demons wait for you to wake up

Stomping all over you

Your body aches

Pills are not the answer

Your mind has been hijacked

Negative thoughts squat

Refusing to be evicted

You just want to be alone

No interest in working

Exercise is unappealing

Even eating is a chore

You have reached rock bottom

Time slows down

You stare into empty space

Nothing in focus

You take a deep breath

This is endless

You feel totally numb

What is that sound

Music is playing

Its your favorite song

Negative thoughts melt away

Happy memories float in

Bright ideas queue up

Patiently waiting for you

Your aches drain away

You feel energized again

Your next breath tastes so sweet

Color returns to your vision

That smell of cooking is so good

Tactile touches make your fingers dance

You just got your life back

Hold onto it tight

Do not let those demons back in

slaying the loneliness dragon

dream conversations end

he woke up alone

only himself to talk to

he does so out loud

asking why is he living alone

no point in shaving or dressing

nobody will see him today

the TV talks at him but not to him

groans from the near empty fridge

nobody cares what he eats

pop tarts go in the toaster again

he looks out the window

no people around

birds gather in groups on the lawn

social interaction has escaped him

his phone only rings for sales calls

the mail is all junk and bills

most friends have died off

the rest moved away or moved on

his ex wife left him many years ago

she never speaks to him now

except in his memories

he tries to block them out

emptiness feels better than pain

suddenly the phone rings

an old friend is in town

wants to meet him for dinner

he sings loud in the shower

he dances to music while dressing

no pop tarts on the menu tonight

the loneliness dragon has been slain