Please pass my tea

Photo by Ioana Motoc on

They ate breakfast together in silence

He was engrossed in his morning paper

She was checking her FaceBook page

Back when they were first married

They used to talk for hours on end

Hanging on to every word said

Making each other laugh

But that had long since stopped

He reached over to pick up his cup

Avoiding asking her to pass it to him

She glanced at his outstretched arm

Resisting the temptation to speak

Why bother telling him he should have asked her

She lowered her glance to avoid eye contact

They had stopped looking at each other too

She went upstairs to get dressed

He had left for work when she came back down

Her phone buzzed with a text

I will be working late

Will not need dinner

No smiling faces or kisses in the text

He never made it to the office

Suffering a massive heart attack while driving

There was no suspicion of foul play

She washed the breakfast dishes three times over

Nobody knew she had a lover

They never communicated via phone or the internet

Leaving no digital fingerprints to trace

They met once a week on the same park bench

Making love in his RV to avoid hotel records

They always paid cash at bars and restaurants

At their next meeting she thanked him

Those pills you gave me worked perfectly

I put them in his tea like you said

Best wait a while before we live together he said

She collected the huge life insurance payout

A year later she was making breakfast

While chatting intensely to her lover

Can you please pass my tea he asked

She smiled as she passed the cup

just what I needed

I woke up at 5am with a terrible dry mouth

fortunately I had a glass of water on the nightstand 

instant relief once my mouth was rehydrated

just what I needed

my mind was wide awake now

I crept downstairs to the kitchen

made myself a cup of hot green tea

just what I needed

it was pitch black outside

everything was quiet

the perfect time for some creative writing

just what I needed

I sat down at my computer

emptied my mind and let my imagination run free

the words flowed freely onto the screen

just what I needed

a few hours later dawn began to break

I stepped outside to watch the sunrise

the birds sang as the sun crept over the horizon

just what I needed

I checked the tire pressures on my bike

clipped in a couple of water bottles

set off for a 30 mile ride

just what I needed

I came home refreshed and invigorated

but somewhat grimy

I stepped into a hot steamy shower

just what I needed

it was still only 10.30am

I planned to achieve a whole lot more during the day

my first task was a short meditation session

just what I needed

At the end of a busy and very productive day

I paused to reflect on the miracle of life

I poured a glass of wine

just what I needed

I wondered if the wine was the cause of my early morning dry mouth

not willing to give up drinking wine in the evenings

I took a glass of water to bed

just what I needed

from cocktails to heaven

its cocktail hour

pour stiff one

reflect on day

light conversation

light hors d’oeuvres

whet the appetite

dinner in the oven

aromas fill kitchen

roast garlic scent

fresh chopped herbs

smells leak out

towards dining room

drinks evaporate fast

pour second one

peek in oven

baked salmon happy

looks so divine

back to conversation

enquire about dinner

origin of recipe

source of ingredients

fresh local vegetables

from farm stand 

fish from boat

farm to table

sea to plate

finish hors d’oeuvres

cocktail last sip

open wine bottles

dinner is served

pour wine slowly

pause a moment

look at plate

hold hands together

give sincere thanks

compliment chef

taste salmon

slow blink

eat vegetables

slow blink

sip wine

close eyes

gone to heaven

open eyes

not a dream

drink wine

eat salmon

sip water

still in heaven

Ginger musings

I add fresh ginger to my daily breakfast shake

It adds a sweet spicy peppery flavor

It has amazing anti inflammatory properties

Near the top of my superfood list

Ginger cookies go so well with a cup of hot tea

Take a sip of tea then bite the cookie

Put a hot tea ginger zinger into your taste buds

Be a real devil and dunk that cookie in your tea

Malt whisky is my favorite tipple

Always neat with no ice

Ginger chocolate tastes truly amazing

Interspersed between sips of single malt

When I was young everybody around me drank alcohol

But I was never allowed even a taste

They gave me ginger beer to drink

I thought I was so cool drinking beer

Until I discovered it was just a soft drink

I once knew a girl called Ginger

She was beautiful with long flowing red hair

I remember so well our one and only kiss 

Disappointingly she did not taste like ginger