Digital Fame

Long eyelashes

Internet crashes

Makeup repairs

Beautiful affairs

Lipstick applied

Inhibitions denied

Eyebrows plucked

Innuendos ducked

Hair highlighted

Everyone delighted

Beauty personified

Influencer glorified

Internet fame

Instant flame

Followers flock

Enviers mock

Fortune obtained

Spending unconstrained

Hacked account

Troubles mount

Website fried

Access denied

Suddenly unrecognized

Digitally demonized

Images distorted

Face contorted

Obviously fake

No mistake

Pixels stolen

Stories woven

Electronic hate

Terrible fate

Reputation lost

Fame tossed

Flooding tears

Lipstick smears

Fortune crashed

Eyelashes trashed

Cruising and boozing

We went cruising

It was mostly boozing

In-between oversize meals

We forgot how abstinence feels

Its just one big floating party

With people dressed so smartly

Headphones for silent disco dancing

Alcoholic fueled inhibitions lost prancing

Followed by top deck late night clubbing

Middle aged awkward toe stubbing

Next morning was remarkably quiet

In contrast to last night’s riot

Most folks slept late in their beds

Waking up with very sore heads

Faded memories and partying amnesia

Embarrassingly rediscovered on social media


I do love Fridays

The end of the week

The weekend starts soon

Great for a date night

You can stay up really late on Fridays

No early morning commute the next day

Nothing seems so bad on a Friday

People are always happier

Friday is a long way from last Monday

Next Monday is buffered by the weekend

Nobody gets Friday morning blues

The day seems to go faster

Friday is a great planning day

Dream about your weekend adventures

Book your next vacation

Set your goals for next week

It rains less on Fridays

Compared to wet dreary Mondays

The sun comes out to practice 

For your warm sun filled weekend

Nobody pays bills on a Friday

Spend your money on yourself

Buy a new outfit for the weekend

Amazon sales spike on black Friday

Never start a diet on a Friday

Stock up on beer and wine

Eat yourself silly through the weekend

Make the diet wait until Monday

I retired from full time work eight years ago

So in reality every day is the same for me

But I still look forward to the weekend

Friday will always be a special day

Time flies when you are having fun but slows down when you are sad

Instagram followers hide your lack of real friends

Texts with thumbs up and Facebook likes

Give the impression you are always happy

Saving you from actually speaking

Lest your voice becomes an unwitting informer

Dark sunglasses hide your sad eyes

You only take them off in the dark

A fake smile masks your depression

Your face aches from forcing it all day

Blacked out windows in your Cadillac

Prevent the world from seeing the real you inside

Your trophy wife paraded in public

She plays the part well when seen

Becoming cold as ice when alone with you

She talks to her friends all day

Never makes eye contact with you

You chose a childless relationship

Too risky having anybody that close to you

Expensive home and flashy toys

A thick wallet full of credit cards

Combine to hide your mounting debts

Long hours and grinding out results

Disguise your real dissatisfaction with your job

You stopped talking to your parents long ago

Tired of them asking what is wrong with you

You hang out with the boys every week

Mostly to be seen doing guy things

Watching sports and talking trash

Downing beers for an alcoholic buzz

Your sad thoughts briefly anesthetized

Laughing outwardly at all the stupid jokes

While crying uncontrollably inside

You wished it was all a bad dream

But its there every time you wake up

You pray for the day when it will all change

You wait for guidance of a new direction

You hope for the strength to adjust

You are constantly looking for the signal

Fridays are special

There is something special about Fridays

Thankfully the end of the working week for most folks

With a whole weekend to follow

Friday nights are usually fun nights

Time to relax and unwind 

You can stay up really late if you do not work Saturdays

It could be a night out with friends

Exploring a new bar or restaurant

Or an exciting date night

Perhaps a relaxing evening at home with your partner

A nice meal with wine then a Netflix movie

The possibilities are endless

Some people call it Friday Funday

Some say TGIF

Many cultures embrace Friday as a day for fun

I have enjoyed many Fridays in my lifetime

2014 brought retirement from my full time employment

So in theory all days should be the same for me now

But I still get excited on Fridays

Weekends are fun filled with social activities

Especially with our friends who still work

I used to get depressed on Sundays

Knowing that the work week was looming

Not any more

Monday morning blues are a thing of the past for me

I wake up cheerful on Mondays

In fact I wake up consistently cheerful virtually every day of the week

Except on Fridays

When I wake up ecstatic

Go figure?

I am a part time hedonist and a full time optimist

Happiness is a state we all strive for

The pursuit of happiness can be rewarding in itself

Working hard towards your goals

Knowing there will be pleasurable rewards along the way

I do enjoy those simple moments in time like a glass of wine or a fine meal

Or simply watching the sunrise

Or riding my bike and enjoying the view

Or writing a poem

Some folks are too busy to enjoy the simple things

Gulping down coffee while on the phone as they drive to work

If they could take away time pressures and work interruptions

They could get pleasure from simply making the morning coffee

Smelling those wonderful aromas and anticipating the taste

Savoring the flavor while marveling at a beautiful sunrise

At what point does this all become hedonistic

Is there a sliding scale of hedonism that ends in constant pleasure addiction

If so where would you put yourself on that scale

Would constant hedonism become boring?

Perhaps we all need periods of strife, pain and despair in our lives

For they make us appreciate even more the gifts of good health and happiness

I try to stay focussed during moments of pleasure

Telling myself to remember how good it is

Reminding myself of how fortunate I am

Hoping that it will last for a long time

Always striving to share that happy moment with somebody

Perhaps bringing someone a little unexpected joy

If for some reason I cannot enjoy a particular moment in time

Then I tell myself it won’t be long before I can again

I am a part time hedonist

And a full time optimist