Butterflies in your stomach – YNWA

Can you remember getting butterflies in your stomach

At a time when you were anxious or excited or both

Perhaps on your wedding day

Just before going on stage to perform

At the start of an important exam

During a job interview

Responding to a 911 call

Or falling in love

Your body is programmed

To react to your emotions

Your brain triggers the release of hormones

Giving you a burst of extra energy

And rewarding you with the sensation of pleasure

I can remember getting butterflies on such occasions

But in my case I get them at least twice a week at fixed times

Certainly around 3pm GMT of Saturdays 

When Liverpool usually play in the English Premier League

Today they kick off at 5.30pm un the UK

That is 12.30pm Eastern time in the US

My butterflies have been building up for a few days now

They woke me up this morning

They will be swarming in my tummy at 12.29pm

Just before the game with rivals Arsenal

I know they will soon settle down

Each time Liverpool have possession

My butterflies are instantly forgotten 

When Liverpool score a goal

The joy is off the Richter scale

But the butterflies will be back today

Every time Arsenal gain possession

Its exhausting repeatedly launching butterflies inside you

Fortunately the game only lasts 90 minutes

I pray for a perfect result before and during every game

Liverpool 3-1 Butterflies


Mission accomplished

Sometimes words are not enough

He gave up talking

When she stopped listening

Holding her tightly in his arms

A strong manly bear hug

She made no attempt to escape

Melting into him

She released the grip on her imprisoned emotions

Directing her feelings to the door of freedom

At first it was a gently cry

Shedding tears with jagged breaths

Growing steadily into a sobbing wail

Interrupted by short sharp intakes of gasping breath

She became a limp rag doll

Unable to stand without his support

Her whole body shook as she cried

The wailing slowly subsided

Replaced by labored heavy breathing

Her emotional prisoners had all escaped

Strength gradually returned to her limbs

She supported her own weight again

Her arms clung tightly to him

He relaxed the strength of his bear hug slightly

Suddenly he was the captive

She would decide when it was time to untangle

Her cold tears soaked his right shoulder

She lifted her head briefly

Softly brushing the tears from his wet shirt

A ceremonial apologetic gesture

Its Ok he whispered to her

She pulled back but still gripped him tightly

Their eyes locked onto each other

Peering into her soul

His eyes launched missiles loaded with hope

Drilling into the depths of her despair

She made no attempt to evade the onslaught

It was a direct hit

Missiles exploded on impact

Her hope tanks were fully replenished

She acknowledged receipt

With a slow blink

Mission accomplished


Photo by samer daboul on Pexels.com

Fear is a basic human emotion. It can be instinctive like not wanting to be part of the food chain in the jungle or more societal as in the fear of being rejected by a group or an individual.  We love to put labels on everything which has led to a wide range of fears being called phobias.  Here are the most common phobias:

Arachnophobia – Fear of spiders

Ophidiophopbia –  Fear of snakes

Acrophobia – Fear of heights

Some unusual ones:

Xanthophobia –   Fear of the color yellow

Turophobia – Fear of cheese

Coulrophobia –  Fear of clowns

Does this mean that people who are afraid of yellow dressed clowns eating cheese are suffering from Xanthoturocoulrophobia?

Let’s assume you have a very unusual phobia like the fear of being given the wrong change in a store on Thursdays when its raining. Your Doctor tells you that there is no name for your phobia but to come back in two weeks while he applies for phobia registration.  

However, you really  want to share your phobia with friends or new people you meet at a cocktail party. It’s pretty cool to say you have changowetthursphobia but less exciting to say there is no name for it.   You are probably wise to avoid meeting anybody until you get your phobia name from your doctor.

It could start a whole new way of finding your ideal partner- 

speedphobia dating, matchphobia.com and newphobiabeginnings.  

If it’s raining on a wet Thursday, just remember to give the exact amount of money for your in-store purchases.

Fear and anxiety battles

she was gripped by fear

an overwhelming sense of mortal danger

there seemed to be no escape from it

no way to rationalize the situation

fear had locked up her ability to think

her body was in panic flight mode

racing heart and sweaty palms

she was not in any physical danger

her fear was purely psychological

suddenly there was a drop in her fear level

she seized the opportunity and started to think logically

taking slow deep breaths and calming her body

taking back control of her own mind

she had caught fear napping

it was locked outside now

she was the king of her own castle

the drawbridges were all up and the moat was full

the fear raiders were circling outside

she watched them from the parapet

they were frustrated and eager to get back in

after a while they gave up and left

it was a beautiful sunny day

she set down the drawbridge and stepped outside

the fresh air tasted so sweet

the warm sun felt good on her face

she sat down to relax and enjoy the moment

telling herself everything was going to be fine

now that fear was all gone she felt empty inside

she decided to fill herself up with happiness

positive thoughts and excitement about the future

her happiness tank was soon about two thirds full

then a huge load of anxiety rushed in to fill the last third

she did not panic at this uninvited rush of emotion

her happiness outnumbered the anxiety two to one

this was a battle she could win easily

she told anxiety to leave peacefully or suffer a painful eviction

anxiety quickly gave up without a fight

happy security guards escorted anxiety from the premises

her happiness tanks were now overflowing

soul whispers

Everybody needs a mirror

not the shiny reflective kind we all look into occasionally

although useful for checking out your appearance

but oh so unforgiving

highlighting every blemish and wrinkle

showing your fat bulges

yelling straight back in your face

you look terrible today

but I digress so lets get back to the point here

everybody needs a mirror into their soul

for those moments when you must step back and reflect

when you are contemplating a big decision

it might be a major financial transaction

a huge change in your career

or a relationship crossroads

ask yourself why you want to go a certain way

what is really driving it

is it the right thing to do

are the risks worth taking

are you being totally honest with yourself

its hard to put your emotions to one side

they keep jumping back in and pleading with you

making you have doubts and second thoughts

it helps to have a human mirror to consult

perhaps a good friend or a partner can be your mirror

somebody you can trust completely

to guide you into the right path to follow

it does not always work out that way

one of the worst things that can happen to anybody

is losing the trust of a long term partner

suddenly your mirror is broken and shattered 

leaving you desperately alone and seeking another mirror 

if you are lucky a friend will step in to help

but fear not if you are totally alone in such a crisis

dig deep back into your soul and find that unused mirror

polish it well and take a deep breath

it will not judge you or despise you

for all those years of neglect

it will tell you exactly how things are

help you to make the right decision

once things get better you can revisit your mirror

just to say thank you for all that help

it will glow in appreciation

you will feel the self love inside you

and your soul will whisper

keep looking into my mirror

The empty chair

Standing by the balcony railing

His health was rapidly ailing 

Admiring the spectacular view

Picking out the spots that he knew

Recalling the happy times he spent there

As he sampled the cool morning fresh air

Every breath calming his mind

Accepting he would soon leave this all behind

Not wanting to linger and whither away

He decided that this was his final day

Stepping onto the empty chair

Over the railings and flying through the air

Eyes closed as he accepted his fate

Time slowed down and made him wait

Confused and perplexed as he opened his eyes

Looking at his bedroom ceiling in surprise

Things are not always as they seem

It was all a vivid technicolor dream

He quickly stepped out of bed

Images of the balcony view filled his head

He stepped outside to see the same view

Picking out the spots he knew

Recalling the happy times he spent there

Next to the railing was an empty chair

Time flies when you are having fun but slows down when you are sad

Instagram followers hide your lack of real friends

Texts with thumbs up and Facebook likes

Give the impression you are always happy

Saving you from actually speaking

Lest your voice becomes an unwitting informer

Dark sunglasses hide your sad eyes

You only take them off in the dark

A fake smile masks your depression

Your face aches from forcing it all day

Blacked out windows in your Cadillac

Prevent the world from seeing the real you inside

Your trophy wife paraded in public

She plays the part well when seen

Becoming cold as ice when alone with you

She talks to her friends all day

Never makes eye contact with you

You chose a childless relationship

Too risky having anybody that close to you

Expensive home and flashy toys

A thick wallet full of credit cards

Combine to hide your mounting debts

Long hours and grinding out results

Disguise your real dissatisfaction with your job

You stopped talking to your parents long ago

Tired of them asking what is wrong with you

You hang out with the boys every week

Mostly to be seen doing guy things

Watching sports and talking trash

Downing beers for an alcoholic buzz

Your sad thoughts briefly anesthetized

Laughing outwardly at all the stupid jokes

While crying uncontrollably inside

You wished it was all a bad dream

But its there every time you wake up

You pray for the day when it will all change

You wait for guidance of a new direction

You hope for the strength to adjust

You are constantly looking for the signal

Discover your dreams, fears and hope

Take one word from each group that starts with the same letter

























Make a story about you with your six words

What does it tell you about your dreams, fears and hope?


Depression consumes you

Eats away at your soul

There is no escaping it

Sleeping is no cure

Demons wait for you to wake up

Stomping all over you

Your body aches

Pills are not the answer

Your mind has been hijacked

Negative thoughts squat

Refusing to be evicted

You just want to be alone

No interest in working

Exercise is unappealing

Even eating is a chore

You have reached rock bottom

Time slows down

You stare into empty space

Nothing in focus

You take a deep breath

This is endless

You feel totally numb

What is that sound

Music is playing

Its your favorite song

Negative thoughts melt away

Happy memories float in

Bright ideas queue up

Patiently waiting for you

Your aches drain away

You feel energized again

Your next breath tastes so sweet

Color returns to your vision

That smell of cooking is so good

Tactile touches make your fingers dance

You just got your life back

Hold onto it tight

Do not let those demons back in