Full life

Light sunrise winds 

Full sails hoisted

She glides along

Slow steady pace

Dolphins swim by

Pelicans fly low

No crashing surf

Sea kissed beach

Life slows down

Time to reflect

Blend with nature

Hear your thoughts

Liten to them

Whisper back

The sailboat moves on

Gulf is deserted

Except for my thoughts

Who spread out all over the bay

Waiting to be engulfed by a wave

Thought killer waves

Waves crash in

Thoughts slain

Empty mind

Empty beach

Empty bay

Full Life!

soul whispers

Everybody needs a mirror

not the shiny reflective kind we all look into occasionally

although useful for checking out your appearance

but oh so unforgiving

highlighting every blemish and wrinkle

showing your fat bulges

yelling straight back in your face

you look terrible today

but I digress so lets get back to the point here

everybody needs a mirror into their soul

for those moments when you must step back and reflect

when you are contemplating a big decision

it might be a major financial transaction

a huge change in your career

or a relationship crossroads

ask yourself why you want to go a certain way

what is really driving it

is it the right thing to do

are the risks worth taking

are you being totally honest with yourself

its hard to put your emotions to one side

they keep jumping back in and pleading with you

making you have doubts and second thoughts

it helps to have a human mirror to consult

perhaps a good friend or a partner can be your mirror

somebody you can trust completely

to guide you into the right path to follow

it does not always work out that way

one of the worst things that can happen to anybody

is losing the trust of a long term partner

suddenly your mirror is broken and shattered 

leaving you desperately alone and seeking another mirror 

if you are lucky a friend will step in to help

but fear not if you are totally alone in such a crisis

dig deep back into your soul and find that unused mirror

polish it well and take a deep breath

it will not judge you or despise you

for all those years of neglect

it will tell you exactly how things are

help you to make the right decision

once things get better you can revisit your mirror

just to say thank you for all that help

it will glow in appreciation

you will feel the self love inside you

and your soul will whisper

keep looking into my mirror