Summer solstice June 21, 2023

For all of the northern hemisphere

The summer solstice is here today

Longest day of the year

Start of summer

A time for celebration

Watch sunrise at Stonehenge

Be outdoors all day

Soak up the summer sunshine

Go on a picnic with friends

Sit by a pool and relax

Go on a bike ride

Spend a day at the beach

Plan a long lazy hike

Take a boat ride and float all day

Watch the late evening sunset

Add this day to your summertime memories

Tell you grandchildren that the sun shone all day

All of these things are possible

But only if the weather cooperates

Today we have wind rain and minor flooding 

Whitecaps are racing across the bay

Its cool and very cloudy

The sun will not shine at all today here

Not a great day to be outside

I will not be remembering this day

Betty Blue

Betty Blue

my name is Betty Blue

I am a sun shade sail

I spend summers with the Hunter family

they live on the eastern shore

a south facing home catching a lot of sun

their patio was unusable in the summer heat

then they found me to bring welcome shade

I make it comfortable to dine outdoors

I am fixed to five strong anchors

two of them are very high

the others are lower

creating my classic hyperbolic shape

very pleasing to the eye

my shape does not generate much lift in the wind

I have a steel cable sewn into my edges

turnbuckles keep me well tensioned

I am not a flapper in the breeze

my fabric is knitted for extra strength

I like to gaze over the marsh and the bay

watching the boats cruise by

the marsh has some amazing birds

I get to watch my owners cook and dine under me

sometimes they have parties

its fun to watch over their guests

when folks have consumed a few adult beverages

they relax and talk more openly

I have listened to many interesting stories

but being bound by the sail shade code of conduct

I cannot repeat the tales I have witnessed

they do however give me plenty of memories to reflect on 

during my off site indoor winter storage

next time you visit the Hunter residence

please look up and say hello to Betty

stay cool down there

summer is finally here again