Motorcycles and riders can both have AFib

A watched a man throw a strong leg over his Harley

A press on a button fired up the beast

The motor roared with that distinctive Harley Davidson beat

A highly tuned combustion engine with AFib

The big fat heavy motorcycle defies gravity on two wheels 

Staying vertical while rolling along slowly

But it needs a strong rider leg to stop it toppling over when static

On the open road she just purrs along

Taking sweeping curves with the rider leaning to the side

A perfect combination of man and machine working in harmony

Its a totally different story riding in heavy traffic 

Inching forward with legs splayed out ready to keep the monster vertical

Blistering acceleration whenever a gap opens up to surge forward

Then braking to a stop and spreading those legs to stabilize it

I noticed cars drivers seemed to be afraid of the motorcycle and gave it a wide berth

Either they find the motorcycle itself intimidating

Or they are afraid that the rider is a drug crazed Hells Angel looking for trouble

In either case there was little eye contact between car drivers and the motorcycle rider

With the exception of children in cars who stared endlessly at the big shiny machine

The bearded rider warmly smiled back at the waving children

Car occupants live in a different world with AC and music flooding their interior space

They do not have to dress up in boots and leather and brave the elements

Riders live in the outside world with no cocoon to protect them from heat, cold or rain 

Conversations with passengers on the back must compete with the roar of the engine

When motorcycles roll in packs they instantly become a gang

They could be a group of doctors and lawyers on an outing for the day

Or a bunch of pop culture deemed lawless Hells Angel outcasts looking for trouble

Each group is equally considered a gang and feared by motorists

Car windows remain tightly shut and driver’s eyes do not wanders towards the gang

The gang takes on special powers rolling along in formation two or three abreast

Cars magically move out of their way like a parting sea

Nobody wants a fender bender with a member of a motorcycle gang

Their reputation is however unfairly tainted by urban myths

Most motorcyclists are the true knights of the road

Always ready to help out a stranded motorist

Many Hells Angels are military veterans having proudly served their country

Its a strong brotherhood with strict codes of conduct and they honor their fallen

They are really big into social work and supporting local communities

A fact often overlooked by the pop culture image of outlaws on two wheels

They almost always ride Harleys purring with AFib

Some of the aging riders might even have AFib themselves too

Next time you see a motorcycle rider show respect and give a friendly wave