you can be a farmer too

you entered Tractor Supply Co

there were no tractors for sale

but they did have some tractor parts

lots of animal feed and fencing

there were some chicks in a pen

bags of feed and fertilizer

cool and trendy farmer clothing

everything you need to start your own hobby farm

not the kind that sells tons of produce

more aimed at putting something barely edible on the table very occasionally

you buy lots of stuff and head to your country second home

your weekend retreat to entertain friends from the city

serving home grown chicken and vegetable meals

cooked in an electric oven powered by coal fired electricity plants

accompanied by not at all home grown wine and cocktails

served on plates which were made on the grid in China

delivered by oil burning container ships

to a port with diesel trucks waiting

to distribute your plates to a store

which wastes tons of energy on exotic displays

back at your country retreat dinner party

you serve the meal on a table made from rain forest mahogany

in a house with wood burning fires

lit by hundreds of burning candles

your guests all came in gas guzzling cars

clutching their expensive iPhones

everybody talks about saving the planet

comparing notes about donating to green causes

discussing all the carbon neutral places to buy stuff

as the freon polluting frozen ice cream is served

then somebody mentions the words Tractor Supply

Your ears prick up and your significant other runs out of the kitchen

everybody awaits the next words

somebody breaks the silence

“lets all go to Tractor Supply”

you are so happy that they picked your Mecca

you burn lots of gas driving there fast

entering the store with excitement

your guests all buy trendy farming clothing

you buy extra chicken wire to keep out the fox

one of your guests tries to checkout with Bitcoin

a currency mined with vast amounts of wasteful energy

you all head back to your hobby farm happy and singing folk songs

to find fire trucks and flashing lights

somebody had knocked over a candle on the way out

your hobby farm has been totally destroyed

leaving you with a massive carbon footprint

you check on the chickens outside

the fox had already taken them all

time to head back to the city