look for your daytime stars

As a child I believed that stars only shone in the sky at night

Magically appearing after the sun went down

Shining bright all through the night until dawn

Then all rushing around to the dark side of the earth

To shine through the night for other people

It was quite a plausible hypothesis for a seven year old

I clung onto it for as long as I could

Eventually having to accept the science

Acknowledging that stars are in the sky all the time

I just could not see them when the sun shone bright

Its the same with so many other things in life

Around you constantly but you just do not notice them

From the air you breathe to the warmth you feel

The good things people do for you every day

Farmers who tirelessly grow the food you eat

Workers who strive to bring you electricity and water

Train drivers who safely take you to your destination

Doctors and nurses who tirelessly care for you when injured or sick

Friends who are constantly looking out for you 

You could be taking them all for granted

Seeing things only when you want to see them

Only remembering them when taken away from you

Take some time today to look around you

Look beyond what you think you should be seeing

If you look hard enough

You will see your stars in daylight

Last night I saw 1897

last night I looked into the dark sky

bright stars and planets abound

the big dipper caught my eye

I wondered how far away it is

Google told me 125 light years

the light from the big dipper takes that long to reach earth 

I suddenly realized I had discovered time travel

if I was on the big dipper today

with a really powerful telescope

I would see life on earth back in 1897

horses are the main form of transport

cars are very rare and only travel at 10mph

the radio has not yet been invented

the most popular source of music is the piano

the majority of people live or work on farms

households typically have three generations under one roof

cocaine is sold as a cure all medicine

life expectancy is less than 50 years

my parents are not yet born

life was so different back then

to see our life today from the big dipper

you will have to be living in the year 2147

horses could be extinct by then

life expectancy might well be infinite

but the night sky will look the same as today