work work work work fishing work work fishing work fishing work fishing fishing work fishing fishing work fishing

In the early days of my career

I was very ambitious and worked hard

Long hours and weekends were consumed

By my relentless drive to reach every working goal

As soon as I achieved a promotion

I set myself a new target for the next one

It was like running on a treadmill

That went faster and higher without a break

One day a good friend said he was concerned

That my work-life balance was all wrong

He said we were going on a fishing trip

To take my mind off work for one day

I thought it was a waste of time but agreed

We caught no fish the first day

Vowing to try again the following weekend

And so started a new passion outside my job

My fishing knowledge improved through focused learning

Progressing from pure leisure to competitions

Pitching my fishing skills against others

Winning lots of trophies and prizes

My performance at work also improved

I no longer worked weekends

Enjoying more time with my family

Fishing was my weekly stress relief

My work-life balance was restored

It took me a long time to realize

That fishing is a form of meditation

Clearing your mind of all random thoughts

As you focus on a single thing 

If you practice meditation you can find the answers  

To problems that had seemed unsolvable 

Retirement put an end to working goals

Replaced by goals for learning, lifestyle, family and friendships

I rarely go fishing now but I do find time to meditate daily


Morning Mantra

Its your time to rise up

Leave the darkness behind

Forget your bad dreams

Watch the sunrise


Fill your heart with light

Recharge your kindness batteries


Soak up the silence

Breathe deep

Blink slowly

Let the world creep in

At your own pace

Live your morning dream


Do something creative

Make outrageously ambitious plans

Drink tea

Eat breakfast


Start conquering

Repeat daily

just what I needed

I woke up at 5am with a terrible dry mouth

fortunately I had a glass of water on the nightstand 

instant relief once my mouth was rehydrated

just what I needed

my mind was wide awake now

I crept downstairs to the kitchen

made myself a cup of hot green tea

just what I needed

it was pitch black outside

everything was quiet

the perfect time for some creative writing

just what I needed

I sat down at my computer

emptied my mind and let my imagination run free

the words flowed freely onto the screen

just what I needed

a few hours later dawn began to break

I stepped outside to watch the sunrise

the birds sang as the sun crept over the horizon

just what I needed

I checked the tire pressures on my bike

clipped in a couple of water bottles

set off for a 30 mile ride

just what I needed

I came home refreshed and invigorated

but somewhat grimy

I stepped into a hot steamy shower

just what I needed

it was still only 10.30am

I planned to achieve a whole lot more during the day

my first task was a short meditation session

just what I needed

At the end of a busy and very productive day

I paused to reflect on the miracle of life

I poured a glass of wine

just what I needed

I wondered if the wine was the cause of my early morning dry mouth

not willing to give up drinking wine in the evenings

I took a glass of water to bed

just what I needed

Float days are fun

its good to have plans

establish milestones and goals

set objectives to meet them

diligently work on tasks towards your goals

pause when you have reached a big milestone 

bathe in the glory of achievements

but only celebrate for a short while

then get back to working on tasks

however, there will be some days when you can’t seem to focus

maybe your energy level is low

or you just can’t get motivated

if you have the flexibility, give yourself a day off

declare a float day

a day to float around doing almost nothing

turn your phone off and stay off the grid for a day

let your mind float too

keep it empty of worries about things to be done

let your thoughts float freely

dream a while as you are floating

at the end of your float day, pause to review your plans

determine if they are taking you where you want to go

adjust your plans and get back on task

it’s not healthy to be running full steam ahead all the time

you can still get there with a bit of floating now and again

float days are fun

Take some time out to build a sandcastle in your mind

A young boy sat on the beach

His parents beside him

He played happily making sandcastles 

A small plastic bucket his only tool

His enthusiasm was intense and he glowed with joy

In just 4 years on this planet

He had learned skills to amuse himself

Totally focused on his task 

He filled his bucket

His young mind empty of distractions

He just built sandcastles

Not concerned with world affairs

No cell phone to answer 

No emails to read

He kept building sandcastles

Void of employment worries

Having no money to spend nor debts to pay

He just filled his bucket

Unaware of peer pressure to conform 

School was something his older siblings worried about

He scooped more sand with his hands

He did not reflect on his glorious gift of innocence

Nor did he allow the world to fill his mind with drivel 

He just played in the sand

Take some time for yourself today

Away from all distractions

Build a sandcastle in your mind