Why are we on this planet

We all look up to people with qualities we admire

Be it courage or great skills

Maybe passions or an ability to think clearly

They could be

Outstanding at sports

Great entertainers

Top selling authors

Gifted musicians and performers

A teacher or a mentor

A big brother or sister

That trusted reliable friend

The list is endless

These people were not born that way

They had to work hard to be who they are

If you work hard and stay focussed

You can acquire all the qualities you desire

Then others will come to you for advice

They will seek your guidance and encouragement

You can be a great mentor

So go get yourself mentored today

Then be a mentor for others tomorrow

That is the only reason we are on this planet

Leave a legacy and make a difference

Its OK to have fun along the way

Nothing else matters

New year resolutions

January resolutions

Personal revolutions

New beginnings

Dream winnings

Shedding pounds

Exercise rounds

Self improvement

Radical movements

Less drinking

Creative thinking

Plans made

Resolve displayed

Mid morning

Constant yawning

Feeling hungry

Food junkie

Leftovers calling

Resistance falling

Fridge overflowing

Excitement growing

Munching away

Feasting day

Drinking wine

Tastes divine

Pouring another

Cheers brother

Resolutions postponed

Realism condoned

Time flies when you are having fun but slows down when you are sad

Instagram followers hide your lack of real friends

Texts with thumbs up and Facebook likes

Give the impression you are always happy

Saving you from actually speaking

Lest your voice becomes an unwitting informer

Dark sunglasses hide your sad eyes

You only take them off in the dark

A fake smile masks your depression

Your face aches from forcing it all day

Blacked out windows in your Cadillac

Prevent the world from seeing the real you inside

Your trophy wife paraded in public

She plays the part well when seen

Becoming cold as ice when alone with you

She talks to her friends all day

Never makes eye contact with you

You chose a childless relationship

Too risky having anybody that close to you

Expensive home and flashy toys

A thick wallet full of credit cards

Combine to hide your mounting debts

Long hours and grinding out results

Disguise your real dissatisfaction with your job

You stopped talking to your parents long ago

Tired of them asking what is wrong with you

You hang out with the boys every week

Mostly to be seen doing guy things

Watching sports and talking trash

Downing beers for an alcoholic buzz

Your sad thoughts briefly anesthetized

Laughing outwardly at all the stupid jokes

While crying uncontrollably inside

You wished it was all a bad dream

But its there every time you wake up

You pray for the day when it will all change

You wait for guidance of a new direction

You hope for the strength to adjust

You are constantly looking for the signal

1,456 days of social media distancing

On November 8, 2017 I decided to stop looking at FaceBook

I was disillusioned at the content and disappointed in myself for wasting so much time every day looking at mundane things which added no value to my life.

It was easy to quit, no twelve step program or going to FaceBookaholics Anonymous meetings, I just closed my account and moved on

1,456 days later I have no regrets and my true friends found other ways to keep in touch

Early in 2020, I do not recall the exact date, I made a decision to stop watching the news, both TV and internet

After a lifetime of addiction to daily news, I suddenly became aware that being constantly fed negative sensationalized stories did nothing to make me a better person

Being informed of the minute details of a distant natural disaster or terrorist attack that I could not influence just added unnecessary stress to my life

I do care about things and donate both my time and money to causes that matter to me

Abandoning the news was not as simple as deleting an App on my phone, I had to make conscious decisions not to tune into news channels

It was harder to break the habit of reading online news especially when you Google a current affairs subject because the top results are almost always news outlets

You have to dig a little deeper to find data on matters that interest you but also be skeptical about anything you read being true or factual

When I walk into a room today where TV news is being broadcast, I simply ignore it by listening to music on a headphone or engaging in conversation

So I am saying a huge thank you today to FaceBook, CNN, NBC, BBC and all the other media sources that used to take up 2 hours or more of my day

Thank you for leaving my life and gifting me that time to do other things of my choice like riding my bike, reading, writing, having interesting conversations with friends or engaging in a project to improve my home or myself

Imagine how this extra time gained daily adds up, over the next decade I will have the equivalent of 12 months news and social media free gifted time for myself

Its like having your life expectancy increased by 10% with the additional bonus of being less stressed

I am grateful for still being alive today during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and even more grateful for not having been spoon-fed the 24/7 toxic news on this subject

If important things happen out there that could effect my life, others advise me of it

Time is precious, I am determined to spend mine on things which bring me joy and fulfillment

Good health but short memory

good health

most of us take it for granted

until you get sick or injured

then you realize how truly precious it is

you start praying for a speedy recovery

making promises that you will change your lifestyle 

if you get well its a real blessing

suddenly you feel reborn again

fleetingly toying with goals to exercise more and eat a healthier diet

you quickly go back to your old routine

you get busy and forget about your good health

bad lifestyle habits creep back in

until the next time your health deteriorates

break this cycle

before it breaks you

your poor lifestyle is not the problem

its your memory that needs fixing

Float days are fun

its good to have plans

establish milestones and goals

set objectives to meet them

diligently work on tasks towards your goals

pause when you have reached a big milestone 

bathe in the glory of achievements

but only celebrate for a short while

then get back to working on tasks

however, there will be some days when you can’t seem to focus

maybe your energy level is low

or you just can’t get motivated

if you have the flexibility, give yourself a day off

declare a float day

a day to float around doing almost nothing

turn your phone off and stay off the grid for a day

let your mind float too

keep it empty of worries about things to be done

let your thoughts float freely

dream a while as you are floating

at the end of your float day, pause to review your plans

determine if they are taking you where you want to go

adjust your plans and get back on task

it’s not healthy to be running full steam ahead all the time

you can still get there with a bit of floating now and again

float days are fun